OK. LAUNDRY. Everyone's favorite chore. But have you ever wondered- What if, after a long exhausting day, your laundry folds itself?
Responsible for story, storyboards, animatic, and animation.

Folded - Animatic
Password: CNFolded
Folded - Storyboards - Layout
Doing Fine
Ben, a cheerful young man, tries to cheer up his grumpy fluffy friend -- Lucky -- while waiting to see the vet...
Responsible for all aspects.

Doing Fine - Storyboards - Click Through
Doing Fine - Storyboards - Layout
The Little Giant Girl
A curious girl grows not only in age but also in physical size.
An original story under construction. Responsible for all aspects.

The Little Giant Girl - Storyboards - Click Through
The Little Giant Girl - Storyboards - Layout
Dog World
In a world where dogs walk and talk like humans, a clever dog tries not to wake up his bachelor... Or does he?
Dog World's storyboard was an assignment based on the given script and characters of"Dog World."

Dog World - Storyboards - Click Through
Dog World - Storyboards - Layout